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Industrial Mixers


Mixing Technology Insights

Mixing Technology Insights offer a brief look into ROSS' products, process expertise and market strengths. The reports delve into how the equipment can be used to improve your process and to add to your bottom line. ROSS strives to provide its customers with up to date information covering new technology in the industrial mixing and blending industry.

Select a specific product, process or market to view a list of related Insights:

  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Ophthalmic Preparations
    Ophthalmic solutions, suspensions and emulsions are available in various forms such as eye drops, washes, ointments and injectable drugs.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Fish Oil Supplements
    Fish oil supplements are popular sources of Omega-3 fatty acids which are linked to many health benefits.
  • Speed up your dispersion and milling operations.
    This bulletin describes a technique for obtaining better quality pre-mixes and reducing milling time in the production of ultrafine dispersions
  • High Shear Mixing – Single pass emulsification
    Consider an ultra-high shear mixer for your single-pass emulsification requirements. Advantages include simple operation, high throughput rates, consistent product quality, easy cleaning procedure and low maintenance.
  • How to increase shear without sacrificing throughput
    Ultra-high shear mixers are ideal for homogenization, emulsification and solubilization requirements where particle or droplet size is critical. These devices are as simple to operate as regular rotor/stator mixers but are capable of intense hear levels as well as high pumping rates.
  • Selecting the best rotor/stator combination for your batch process
    The batch rotor/stator mixer is an integral part of many manufacturing processes with various styles and models available in the market today. Determining the most suitable mixer configuration for your particular application is important in ensuring process-line efficiency and consistent finished product quality.
  • Simplified production of fine solid dispersions.
    This bulletin discusses a new technology for producing stable dispersions of solids in liquid. Ultra-high shear mixers such as the ROSS PreMax utilize specially engineered rotor/stators that can deliver extremely fine particle size distributions faster and more cost-effectively than conventional milling devices.
  • Benefits of ultra-high shear mixing batch mixing and homogenization n the chemical industry
    Consider an ultra-high shear rotor/stator mixer for your process. Compared to other batch style mixers including high speed dispersers, traditional rotor/stator mixers and immersion mills, an ultrahigh shear mixer delivers more superior particle or droplet size reduction..
  • Ultra-high shear mixing: an alternative to three roll milling
    Certain applications that previously required three roll milling can now be processed in inline ultra-high shear mixers. Advantages include higher throughput, lower processing costs, safer operation and simpler maintenance.
  • High-capacity rotor/stator mixers
    Inline rotor/stator mixers are ideal for large-volume high shear mixing requirements. Benefits include batch size flexibility, pumping capability and ease of installation.
  • Ultra-high shear mixing of nanoparticles
    Batch and inline ultra-high shear rotor/stator mixers can effectively disperse nanoparticles into liquid. Advantages include short processing times and volume flexibility, as well as easier maintenance and lower capital cost compared to traditional milling equipment and high pressure homogenizers.
  • Preparing superior quality nanodispersions
    This bulletin discusses various mixing technologies for efficient processing of high-quality nanoparticle dispersions depending on rheology and shear requirements.
  • Homogenization of submicron emulsions
    Submicron emulsions are traditionally prepared in rotor/stator mixers, colloid mills and high pressure homogenizers. Ultra-high shear mixers are the newest alternatives to conventional emulsification methods, delivering higher emulsion stability, improved throughput, easier maintenance, and/or lower cost.
  • Polymer grinding and disintegration
    High shear rotor/stator mixers are ideal for many polymer dispersion and dissolution processes. Different configurations are available depending on the application requirements. These include batch and inline designs, multi-agitator systems for high viscosity formulations, and even special ultra-high shear rotor/stator geometries that deliver faster polymer disintegration and more intense mixing.
  • Tips to improve your batch rotor/stator mixing process
    The rotor/stator mixer is a versatile processing tool used throughout the process industries. This bulletin presents some tips for improving rotor/stator mixing performance.
  • Move your media mill process to an ultra-high shear mixer.
    Specially designed rotor/stator mixers achieve ultra-high shear conditions which often result in extremely fine dispersions of pigments and other raw materials. More than just an ordinary ‘pre-mixer’, an ultra-high shear rotor/stator device can produce results comparable to one or two passes through a media mill.
  • Improve emulsion stability through ultra-high shear mixing.
    The droplet size distribution of an emulsion largely dictates its stability. Fine droplet sizes are produced by applying sufficient shear, often through the use of conventional rotor/stator mixers. Today, ultra-high shear rotor/stator designs are available which can improve emulsion stability of certain formulations.
  • High speed mixing: saw-tooth dispersers vs. rotor/stator mixers
    The saw-tooth disperser and rotor/stator mixer are two of the most widely used high speed mixers yet many are unaware of the differences in their utility and operating capacities. Knowing the unique attributes of these devices is important in mixer selection and process optimization.
  • Eliminate “fish eyes” in your mix.
    Inefficient mixing can lead to agglomerates and “fish eyes” which are difficult to disperse once formed. Using a high shear mixer equipped for powder induction helps prevent the formation of agglomerates, maximizes yield and cuts cycle time.
  • Use of powder induction mixing technology can significantly reduce raw material costs.
    An efficient mixing system with powder induction capability enables manufacturers to optimize raw material costs in two ways: by allowing them to source and handle ingredients in dry form rather than the more expensive liquid form; and by maximizing yield of all powder components.
  • Inline high shear mixers instantly boost batch production without disturbing existing equipment.
    Many batch mixing processes can be optimized with the addition of an inline rotor/stator mixer. The supplemental agitation and shear provided by an inline mixer boosts production by reducing cycle time. Multiple batch tanks can be serviced by a single inline mixer and benefit from its pumping capabilities. Another practical advantage to an inline mixer is that it is easily installed without disturbing pre-existing equipment.
  • Run your rotor/stator mixer at maximum speed to optimize particle size reduction.
    Generally, the maximum speed setting of a rotor/stator mixer provides the optimal mixing results in terms of particle or droplet size reduction. Once an equilibrium size distribution is reached, subsequent passes through the rotor/stator give diminishing returns. For applications that are processed at the maximum speed of a traditional rotor/stator mixer but still fall short of the desired particle or droplet size, a move to higher energy devices, such as ultra-high shear mixers, is recommended.
  • Ultra-high shear mixers increase overall throughput and efficiency of homogenization processes
    Ultra-high shear rotor/stator systems speed up cycle time by reducing the number of passes required through a high pressure homogenizer, an inherently low-throughput, high-energy device. Since homogenizers are also generally maintenance-intensive, an efficient ‘pre-mixer’ generates significant savings in the overall cost of production. In certain applications, ultra-high shear mixers even offer a viable alternative to homogenizers.
  • Apply high speed solids induction to eliminate dusting in the mixing area
    The release of airborne particles into the plant atmosphere when powders are added to a mix vessel leads to significant maintenance costs and safety concerns. A high speed induction device can eliminate dusting and accelerate both production and process changeover.
  • Eductor-less powder induction systems offer improved processing reliability
    In traditional eductor-based powder induction systems, balancing the performance of the main components -- pump, eductor and mixer – often requires a skilled operator and can prove to be difficult. A high speed powder injection unit utilizing just one device to perform all three functions is simpler to use and offers a more reliable performance.