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Industrial Mixers

Industries Served

Food Applications

Food manufacturers rely on ROSS for a wide range of processing objectives including dry blending, emulsification, high-speed powder induction, dissolution, dispersion, high-viscosity mixing and many more. Our well-proven mixer and blender designs contribute to the growing success of food companies, meeting their requirements for consistency, quality and freshness, helping them develop new innovative products, while lowering production costs and simplifying maintenance.

At the heart of transforming raw ingredients into food for human consumption is the mixing operation. One of its main tasks, which other food processing steps also share, is to establish consistency. Whether a food product requires small-scale mixing by hand or high volume blending of multiple ingredients, at-home cooks and process engineers alike know the importance of proper mixing. Even with the right amount of ingredients and flavors, a great recipe will not transform into good food unless the components are well-mixed. Taste, texture, color, appearance – these are all crucial parameters intimately influenced by the mixing process. Consumers expect that the food products they patronize will be exactly the same as the one they had last. It is easy to understand that within the food industry a high level of consistency is required not just batch-to-batch but facility-to-facility. In this market, consistency is the backbone of consumer loyalty.

ROSS Food Mixing equipment includes Dry Blenders, High Shear Mixers with SLIM Technology, Dual Shaft and Triple Shaft Mixers, and Double Planetary Mixers. For an in depth look at the various food mixing applications ROSS services, continue reading below.

  • Cheesecake Formulations - Mixing butter and cheese until a smooth, lump-free, creamy consistency is achieved without "breaking up" the butter, over-beating the cream cheese or over-heating the mixture is the key to success.
    Read Food Engineering Article

  • Candy and Confectionary Products - The ROSS VersaMix is the new choice for candy and confectionary manufacturers. This highly viscous application was previously made using double arm sigma blade mixers. However, gum dispersion can be inadequate resulting to fish eyes and lumps in the finished product. Several lab tests have confirmed that the VersaMix can properly disperse these gums and create a smoother, better quality product. Conventional propeller or turbine mixers simply cannot achieve the same level of dispersion nor could they handle this tough mixing application.
  • Dry Solid Blends - The food industry is the main end user of most ROSS Ribbon Blenders. Common applications include coffee, spices, food coloring, flour, sugar, cake and bread mixes, frozen vegetables, salsa mixes, snack foods and tea blends.
  • Gums - ROSS Kneader Extruders are appropriate equipment for processing chewing gums and other extremely viscous food products.
  • Juices - Fortified milk and juices are prepared in ROSS Sanitary High Shear Mixers.
  • Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Dressings - ROSS Ultra-High Shear Mixers are great alternatives to expensive and high-maintenance high pressure homogenizers when it comes to preparing fine food emulsions and dispersions as in salad dressings, mustard sauce, ketchup, etc.
  • Pet Foods - ROSS Blenders are also commonly used for making pet food mixes and animal feeds.
  • Syrups - In various soft drink manufacturing facilities, ROSS High Shear Mixers are successfully being used for dissolving preservatives and artificial sweeteners into water. Previously, propeller mixers were being used which were not able to eliminate the lumps formed by the preservative and sweetener.
  • Sauces - A major supplier of pizza sauce utilizes a ROSS Dual Shaft Mixer with Anchor and Disperser to blend large volumes of tomato paste with water, salt and spices.
  • Meats and Seafood - The ROSS Ribbon Blender is being used by a customer to blend fresh shrimp with cocktail sauce. Chopped meats and vegetables may likewise be mixed in a ROSS Paddle Blender.
  • Soup Bases - The gentle blending action of the ROSS Vertical Blender makes it ideal for soups.
  • Plant-based proteins - Various ROSS Mixers and Blenders are employed in the development and production of plant-based meats, milks, cheeses, butters, eggs and other proteins.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Marinades and Glazes
    ROSS SLIM Mixers capable of high-speed powder wet-out, emulsification, particle size reduction and homogenization are recommended equipment for commercially produced marinades, glazes and sauces.
  • Recommended Blending Equipment for Pet Foods
    One critical step in pet food production is the preparation of intermediates wherein powders, ground solids and other dry ingredients are blended together, sometimes along with minor liquid components.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Starch Dispersions
    Dispersing powdered starch into liquid is a commonly encountered mixing challenge because of its tendency to float and form lumps (“fish eyes”) if not added or agitated properly.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Liquid Supplements
    In the production of ready-to-drink supplements and liquid vitamins filled into capsules, proper mixing is one of the most critical steps in achieving lot-to-lot consistency and efficacy.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Guar Gums
    Slow and careful addition helps to minimize lumping but can become impractical in large-scale production. One proven solution is sub-surface powder injection under high shear conditions as detailed in this bulletin.
  • Recommended Blending Equipment for Baking Mixes
    Mixes for breads, cakes, cookies, muffins, biscuits, waffles, brownies and other baked goods demand a high level of accuracy.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Fish Oil Supplements
    Fish oil supplements are popular sources of Omega-3 fatty acids which are linked to many health benefits.
  • Recommended Blending Equipment for Seasonings
    Thorough mixing in a well-designed Ribbon Blender is an ideal method for preparing seasonings, spices and herbs with batch-to-batch consistency.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Guacamole
    Guacamole is a sauce made from avocado typically mixed with tomato, onion, garlic, lime juice, chili, cilantro and other herbs.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Carrageenan
    Carrageenan is a natural hydrocolloid extracted from species of red algae. Available in powder form, it is used as a gelling and thickening additive in many dairy foods, processed meats, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other products.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Trail Mixes
    Trail mixes are snacks made from combining nuts, dried fruit, seeds, chocolate, pretzels, granola and other ingredients. Because the different components vary in shape, size and density, achieving a thorough blend is the main challenge in producing trail mixes.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Milk Powders
    Dissolving powders like milk, whey, cocoa, sugar, thickeners and stabilizers into liquid can be a processing challenge. Conventional batch mixing systems commonly suffer from long cycle times, floating powders, lump formation and excessive foaming.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Pectin
    Pectin, a biopolymer extracted from citrus fruits and other plants, is a gelling, thickening and stabilizing agent used in many food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Alginates
    Various grades of alginates pose a mixing challenge due to their tendency to agglomerate. Slow and careful addition into liquid helps to minimize lumping but can become impractical in large-scale production and cause serious process bottlenecks.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Flavor Emulsions
    Several mixing technologies are used for different stages of emulsion processing: combining two immiscible bulk liquids; wetting out solid additives; and reducing droplet size in a pre-mixed emulsion. Mixer selection is based on a number of factors but primarily viscosity profile and shear input.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Sweeteners
    Proper blender selection is a key consideration in the production of high-quality sugar substitutes, especially as the practice of blending two or more sweeteners has become more popular.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Sauces & Dressings
    Many types of food mixing equipment overlap in use and function such that certain applications – like dips, sauces and dressings – can be produced in more than one mixing system.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Coffee Production
    Most coffees consumed today are blends of different coffee varieties. Blending allows coffee producers to achieve consistent flavor, aroma, body, aftertaste and other qualities of their specific brand.
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Nutraceuticals
    Nutraceuticals are supplied in many forms including tablets, capsules, drink mixes and powders
  • Recommended Mixing Equipment for Food and Drink Mixes.
    Product consistency relies on an efficient sanitary blending operation. Since dry mixes typically include additives, the blender must be capable of uniformly distributing minor ingredients throughout the batch to achieve the desired color, flavor, acidity, shelf life, flow characteristic and other properties.
  • High Shear Mixing – Single pass emulsification
    Consider an ultra-high shear mixer for your single-pass emulsification requirements. Advantages include simple operation, high throughput rates, consistent product quality, easy cleaning procedure and low maintenance.
  • What to look for in a sanitary ribbon blender
    Subtle differences in ribbon blender design and construction can significantly impact mixing performance and reliability. Especially in sanitary applications, certain blender features must not be overlooked in the specification process.
  • Choosing the right anchor agitator for your multi-shaft mixer
    Multi-shaft mixers are typically equipped with a low-speed anchor agitator which promotes laminar bulk flow and uniform batch temperature. Optimizing the design of this anchor agitator helps to ensure maximum mixing efficiency and processing flexibility.
  • Update your food mixing and homogenization process with an ultra-high shear rotor/stator mixer.
    Consider updating your batch mixing process with an ultra-high shear rotor/stator device. This cost-effective upgrade will deliver finer dispersions, solutions and emulsions at viscosities outside the normal range of conventional rotor/stator mixers. Other benefits include reduced cycle times and more efficient powder additions.
  • Benefits of tumble blending in the food industry
    Tumble blenders deliver highly accurate and repeatable mixing of solid-solid and solid-liquid applications. This bulletin presents some helpful techniques and design considerations for maximizing blending efficiency.
  • Basics and benefits of dual-shaft mixers
    Dual-shaft mixers provide a combination of laminar agitation and high speed dispersive mixing robust enough to batch viscous solutions, dispersions, suspensions and emulsions that are several hundred thousand centipoise..
  • Sanitary mixing in multi-agitator systems
    Multi-shaft mixers are versatile systems used in the production of food, beverage, pharmaceutical and medical products. This bulletin discusses a few equipment features commonly supplied on multi-shaft mixers intended for sanitary applications.
  • Homogenization of submicron emulsions
    Submicron emulsions are traditionally prepared in rotor/stator mixers, colloid mills and high pressure homogenizers. Ultra-high shear mixers are the newest alternatives to conventional emulsification methods, delivering higher emulsion stability, improved throughput, easier maintenance, and/or lower cost.
  • Specifying inline rotor/stator mixers
    This bulletin discusses some best practices and considerations in the selection and specification of inline rotor/stator mixers.
  • Improve the performance of your double planetary mixer.
    This bulletin presents some processing techniques for improving the mixing performance of double planetary mixers.
  • Mixer options for pureeing and liquefying solids
    A variety of mixers are suitable for pureeing requirements – from single-shaft rotor/stator mixers and high speed dispersers to multi-agitator equipment for higher viscosity formulations, and even ultra-high shear mixers which are used to achieve a high level of smoothness and consistency in some products.
  • Ribbon blenders are ideal for coating and mixing processes.
    Solid-solid mixing sometimes involves powders that need to be uniformly coated with smaller particles of a different component. The ingredient that is coated onto the bulk material is typically a very small percentage of the batch, thus requiring thorough and uniform blending. Ribbon blenders are proven to be highly effective for these coating and mixing operations.
  • Select a powder induction mixer that can serve multiple mix tanks of virtually any size.
    An inline rotor/stator mixer equipped for powder induction offers flexibility, capability and portability to serve multiple mix vessels of virtually any size. Its straightforward operation and convenience further maximize equipment utility while simplifying material handling.
  • Improve emulsion stability through ultra-high shear mixing.
    The droplet size distribution of an emulsion largely dictates its stability. Fine droplet sizes are produced by applying sufficient shear, often through the use of conventional rotor/stator mixers. Today, ultra-high shear rotor/stator designs are available which can improve emulsion stability of certain formulations.
  • High speed mixing: saw-tooth dispersers vs. rotor/stator mixers
    The saw-tooth disperser and rotor/stator mixer are two of the most widely used high speed mixers yet many are unaware of the differences in their utility and operating capacities. Knowing the unique attributes of these devices is important in mixer selection and process optimization.
  • Eliminate “fish eyes” in your mix.
    Inefficient mixing can lead to agglomerates and “fish eyes” which are difficult to disperse once formed. Using a high shear mixer equipped for powder induction helps prevent the formation of agglomerates, maximizes yield and cuts cycle time.
  • Electronic variable speed promotes processing flexibility in ribbon blenders – from soft start to discharge.
    Variable frequency drives enable ‘soft start’ of ribbon blenders, an essential feature that protects the system against a spike in start-up torque. The ability to moderate energy input during the blending cycle to accommodate a variety of ingredients and recipes is another key benefit of variable speed. Finally, ribbon blenders equipped with variable frequency drives also deliver greater flexibility and speed in the discharge process.